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Advocacy and Law United

Human Rights and Advocacy in the Age of Innovation

Is it possible to create an AI FOR GOOD?

The United Nations (UN)'s response is undoubtely positive.

The AI for Good Global Summit is the leading action-oriented United Nations platform having the purpose to promote AI with the major goal of advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


AI for Good is organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) – the UN specialized agency for information and communication technology – in partnership with 40 UN sister agencies and co-convened with the Government of Switzerland.

We are here, in Geneva,

because the answer is affirmative for us as well.

the potential of innovation lies in its ability to both challenge and reinforcethe Rule of Law & Human Rights: here, it is where iGlobal.Lawyer steps in.

Nevertheless, team


A Comprehensive Editorial Project

By consolidating the following critical areas into a single comprehensive resource, iGlobal.Lawyer aims to provide a valuable platform for Advocates and the general public to stay informed, engage in discussions, and explore the multifaceted relationships between Human Rights; Law; Ethics and innovation, in the modern era.

Human Rights

The project covers the latest developments, discussions, and advancements in the field of Human Rights from a global perspective and it examines how evolving laws, policies, and societal changes impact Fundamental Human Rights around the world.

New Technologies and Law

We delve into the intersection of emerging technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, blockchain, and the internet of things, and their implications on the Human Rights Advocacy evolution.

Moreover, we examine how the Law is evolving to address the challenges and opportunities presented by technological advancements.


iGlobal.Lawyer explores the ethical considerations and dilemmas that arise from new technologies, scientific breakthroughs, and shifting social norms because we aim to provide in-depth analysis on the moral frameworks and philosophical debates, regarding the development and deployment of innovation, shaping the modern world.


Our platform showcases innovative legal solutions; cutting-edge technologies, and pioneering business models, with the primary purpose of highlighting how innovation is disrupting traditional approaches and creating new opportunities.

Human Rights Advocacy Artificial Intelligence Rule of Law, Innovation

Our Blog is aimed at a general, non-technical audience and it has the purpose to provide accessible insights on the areas of: New Technologies; International Human Rights LawTechnology Policy, and compliance mechanisms,drawing from the findings of reputable sources and featuring contributions from esteemed experts in the above-mentioned fields.

Team-strong-AI and law


Forward - Thinking

We are equally focused on the present as we are on the future.


A shared vision


This clarity offers guidance and coherence, ensuring that all the members of the team are striving towards the same goals.

Diversity & Inclusion

We embrace diversity and inclusion, acknowledging the significance of varied perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences. We cultivate an inclusive atmosphere where every member feels appreciated and empowered to contribute.

 If we do not take the plunge, how can we ever innovate?

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